🍌Banana Pakora (cuq pisang). Find easy and basic steps of various recipes in this channel. Lets have a look to a new recipe. Banana Pakora /Bhujia is most suitable to be eaten for breakfast or teatime 🍌😋 and with a cup of masala ginger chai it's just perfect. Pakoras are deep fried fritters usually prepared with chickpea flour also known as besan in India! Anytime it rains my mom would make pakoras.
Because you cannot make one type of pakoras we literally would make them with onions, bell peppers, potatoes, paneer, cauliflower, abd bananas! paneer pakora recipe with step by step photos. paneer pakoda is a popular and tasty pakora variety. these paneer pakoras are crisp from outside and soft from inside. you can enjoy paneer pakoras as a snack or with a cup of tea.
Lihat juga resep Ikan Tombro Masak Kuning with Banana Steam/Batang Pisang enak lainnya.
Anda boleh memasak 🍌Banana Pakora (cuq pisang) menggunakan 8 bahan dan 6 langkah. Inilah caranya untuk melakukannya 🍌Banana Pakora (cuq pisang) itu Baiklah.
Bahan-bahan 🍌Banana Pakora (cuq pisang)
- Untuk menyediakan 2 1/2 cawan tepung gandum.
- Sediakan 1 cawan gula perang.
- Untuk menyediakan 2 cawan pisang(dilecek).
- Untuk menyediakan 1 biji telur.
- Untuk menyediakan 1 sudu kecil soda bicarbonat.
- Untuk menyediakan 1 sudu kecil baking powder.
- Sediakan 1 sudu kecil garam.
- Untuk menyediakan minyak masak untuk menggoreng.
Chicken Pakora - Chicken Pakora is another variation of pakora with meat. You can make them and serve on iftaar dastarkhwaan with green dip a. Chicken Pakora - Don't hold back that eager cook inside you. Just put on that apron and let an expert like chef Mehdi teach you how to make y.
Langkah Untuk memasak 🍌Banana Pakora (cuq pisang)
- Hancurkan pisang terlebih dahulu (anggaran 2cawan) 4 bji pisang sejengkal.
- Kemudian masukkan tepung gandum,telur,baking powder,soda,gula dan garam.
- Gaul sebati.
- Panaskan minyak agak banyak,bulatkan dengan tangan(jemput2)🤭 kemudian goreng dalam minyak yang panas.
- Bila dah masak angkat dan toskan minyak.
- Siap boleh di hidang bersama tea O panas😋😉 (sesuai breakfast & hi tea).
A banana is an elongated, edible fruit - botanically a berry - produced by several kinds of large herbaceous flowering plants in the genus Musa. South Indian Pakoda Recipe - Pakora Recipeecipe with step wise pictures. Spicy and crunchy morsels of heaven. These pakoda taste amazing hot with a cup of chai on any rainy day or during a cool evening. Did you know that bananas and banana peels make great fertilizer (you can compost them, bury them whole, or cut them in small pieces and mix them with garden soil) because of their phosphorous and potassium content?